domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Thesis Abstract



God is real. God is everything that is, everything that was, and everything that will be. God is all knowing. Every leaf, every cell phone, every conversation. God is perfect. God is beautiful. God is amoral. God does not judge, God does not oppress.

Everything that happens is perfect; the infinite amount of factors that coalesce to produce reality all taking place in a unique spec of space time is exactly where it should be.  

Each and every one of us is a piece of God. Without any of us, He is incomplete. We are merely pieces encountering other pieces of the same whole.


While we are all part of the whole, we are tasked with finding our fit. Finding our fit is what we deem ‘happiness’, or ‘satisfaction’. Our Physical and Meta self is on a journey to do just that, since we are not dead we want to find our most alive. To do that, we Communicate: through words, running, eating, jokes, selfies, tweets, making a coffee table, breathing. We communicate with people, animals, grass, the street, the culture, stereotypes, assumptions, the future. We communicate whether we are aware of it or not. We strive to be all aware and all knowing. The pinnacle being a state where all the confusion, fear, and surprise of the world has been cleansed from our being. At that moment we are Present. At that moment we are Based.


All we have are our ideas, and with those all we create are memories. Our physical being is there to facilitate these, acting as a production factory. We receive various ideas from various sources, comprehend them to the best of our ability, and then synthesize like and unlike elements to produce altered versions of those ideas.

Only the beautiful ideas enter and exit untouched, perfect.  

Without a physical potential met, we cannot receive or send these ideas without harming them with our imperfect perception. This is where physical intake is paramount in the food we eat. We literally are what we eat, and there is a specific formula of nutrients our body needs to run at highest efficiency.

For all of the rumbles and ripples we make in life, anything and everything only moves with memories. A non physical form of verifying existence. If an architect makes a bank in the center of town, it will be remembered by the construction workers, the quarry where the stone was taken to make aggregate, the town who deposits the funds into the bank, the banks headquarters in a big city. When the bank closes, the memory will move on to the tuition that was paid with interest collected in that bank, the salvaged stone that now lines the bank owners house, the road that had a turning lane put in because the bank brought other businesses to town.

The bank was put together by various forces of time and space and faded away bank into its maker.


While we are part of the whole, we are capable of an amount on our own. Our physical body allows us to jump so high, to sleep a maximum amount at a time, to run so many miles non-stop. At the same time, our idea factory allows us only so much meta existence during our life. If we are a celebrity we have the same influence as a hermit. They each influence the universe equally in unique ways.

From this, we only need so much space to live, so much air to breathe, for us to achieve our potential. We have an instinct to know when we have too much, we feel overburdened, or when we have too little, we feel trapped, both feelings are Oppressive.


The human capacity limits us to achieving a certain amount on our own. However, just as ideas can move and grow between people, our identity can too. In a sense, you are what you identify with in others, what you subscribe to. That is the happiness felt when a ball team wins a championship, the town was part of their consciousness, so the town celebrates. This is why seeing someone in need makes you feel you are in need also because you see yourself in them.

It is only when we wall of our identity that we are able to oppress others; with ideas like nation, religion, race. Those who do not fit, no longer are part of us, and can therefore be denied existence.


Knowing that we do not exist in a vacuum, no one man is an island, we cannot approach design with a self aggrandizing mindset. The very inputs that enable us to put the pen to the paper to produce the sketch have come from others. The art professor, the paper company, your parents who bore you and raised you. The based designer understands he is part of the continuum of space time and has a duty to produce the most perfected design to lift existence further.

If an architect designs a hotel, and it is perfect in every way, but it happens to have the same layout and aesthetics as the hotel across the street, he will be honored to deliver the result, to have contributed. Changing the design would lead to problems with the building, maybe unforeseen, only to achieve an inflated sense of existence.


The architect acts as the filter. Sacrificing their desires for the perfect realization of the building. They must have enabled in them a perception of the desires of the count­less aspects, from client to contractor, from circulation to structure, to poetics of form, that come together to create the project. Once they are well versed in these desires, others can begin to trust the designer.


Once the designer is able to unmarry himself from the design, can he begin to perfect the craft. When concerned with getting new projects or keeping a name, the designer begins to be selfish and takes short sighted routes when building. The designer is only concerned with achieving universal perfection.  


Now, the designer could design anything and it would be, by definition, perfect. The question that arises is the Should. The designer could scribble anything, but he would not know how it would be perceived to reality. When the designer has squeezed out all of the surprise in the reveal is when the designer knows he should have designed it that way. If an architect designs a bridge and it is perceived as a hate symbol when it is erected and immediately torn down, he should have known it to be so and changed the design. While the bridge was perfect, it did not achieve what the designer had in mind.




Physical things are what drive our Meta existence. And to a nation, natural resources control theirs. History will show, countries came to be identified from their natural resources and the communities it furnished, turning into borders. Now, the countries have scarce resources with which to trade with others nations, and the scarcer/more important the resource, the better deal for the giver. Problem is, resource importance changes with technology. At one time a spice trading nation could rule over many people, but as knowledge of spice farming increases, the market doesn’t need to trade it anymore, rendering the country powerless.
The goal of a country is to milk the trade of their resources until they become the bastion of innovation. Once they can innovate, they can steer the new technology to change the resource game in their favor. And a nation will use any means to keep up this dominance: War, Propaganda, Ethnicity, Religion, Alliance, Embargo.

The grand hope of the nation is for its citizens to exist fully. The problem is that the idea of a nation itself puts up walls to prevent others outside of the nation to contribute to the full existence. The idea of a world nation is the only way to erase Oppression, and strive for complete existence.


Oppression happens when the forces of the universe aren’t allowed to achieve their full existence.
Ignorance -> Oppression -> Lies -> Oppression -> Lies - > Oppression…..

The beginning of oppression is when someone means well, but they are ignorant of the desires of others, or the desires themselves are ignorant. In example, a benevolent king gifts his subjects with goats. The goats end up destroying their homes. The subject have been oppressed, they will want retaliation. They retaliate, setting off a chain of counter-strikes. Now, if the subject knew the king meant well, they couldn’t be mad, and if the king knew the goats would destroy the town, he wouldn’t have done it. But once an issue arises that is unsure, we use retaliatory tactics to quickly solve the uncertainty.

Oppression also gives rise to lies. An oppression-less world has no need to lie, everyone can be themselves and be accepted. Lies serve to even the score in a physical or meta way. Lies can be in the form of art, as in a revolutionary painting drawing attention to government corruption, lies can be in the form of entertainment to make you forget your situation for a moment, lies can be in the form of religion to tell you there is a greener pasture.  

Is there a way out once oppressed? Knowledge heals the wounds of oppression and cuts the lies right at the source. There is no opposite of oppression except not being oppressed and arriving back there is a slow return.


Capitalism is the strategy for a nation to use competition to achieve innovation. Capitalism is inherently inhumane and implodes on itself unchecked. Capitalism does not care for quality of product, or for innovative measures, if it doesn’t produce profit. The goal of a capitalist is money, not existence, forgetting money is only a means. The only measure in which capitalism can survive is to balance it with Communism. And while Communism produces false markets and price vagaries, it gives rise to the Communal Sense of Self which we use to push forward our ideas and existence.


Man has strived to simply make life tasks simpler and easier in exchange for the ability to experience more and learn more about existence. This has been the human condition even before humans broke into their own species.  Automation has always been a ‘good’, but in a capitalist based society, it spells disaster.

Before heavy mechanization, a tribe lived in coordination with their neighbors. If someone needed help, the community felt it as their identity to help them. If someone needed a house, the town built it, only expecting future reciprocation in return. Any improvement in society has made new tasks available to be completed. This had been going on for centuries with an ample amount of tasks to be completed by a full work force. Therefore, we established a society centered on jobs for the sake of doing your part to help the community forward.

We are arriving at the point where we do not need employment to live. Food is plentiful, houses are available/or easy to build, knowledge on health is readily available…. Except in a capitalist country, we are bound by money and a job obligation to enjoy the fruits of this labor. We have been fed the ‘earn what you work for’ doctrine since birth. That should have been a temporary mantra for a greater goal of providing our communal whole with more potential existence. This job contract leads to resisting the thought of being jobless because of improvements in technology, which leads to resisting innovation.


As jobs become more and more reserved for those in intellectual fields, those with jobs in the intellectual field hold on tighter to what they have. Instead of trying out a new, brave idea, they would rather produce a fail safe answer, produce another superhero movie that can’t fail at the box office. Companies will be averse towards making products that improve life if it means losing money. Those geniuses without intellectual jobs will waste away shoveling coal, instead of pushing existence for all. Capitalism will behave like a pendulum without a communal counter weight. Eventually Comcast will stop providing internet service since no one uses it and will go into commodities like apples to make a profit. We will shrivel back to food and shelter with money as the goal.


Along with the stalling of innovation in many other fields, architecture will suffer/has already begun to suffer. To be able to have the freedom to design, the client has to be from money. The problem with that is those with funds are not centered in regard to necessity. They are in love with accepted norms, for they are the progenitors of those norms. They cannot be seen with a house that has the chance of being mocked, their worth depends on others acceptance. Therefore, in order for the architect to eat, the design must reflect these wishes and contain a fake brick façade when in reality the building wants a metal one.

Architecture almost has no choice in being aligned with money. The backward bit is that the progenitors of culture are usually the Oppressed. Those that have to have an outlet because they are not able to achieve more fulfilling dreams. So they dominate the arts: music, athletics, food, dance. They push that envelope because it is the only one you can’t price. The architectural result is stagnation as the underlings are shoved into dwelling painted to look ‘rich’ as if that’s the goal. Any design genius will either come from one of these dwellings with tainted views on architecture or will already be pigeon-holed to conform to them.


A home is the heart of architecture. It is inward. It is the most intimate space we inhabit. It is where we can lie down and feel safe. It is where we center ourselves to face the outside world anew. In today’s world a house is a trading piece, it is a status symbol, it is an outward portrayal of self worth. It has the power to cause recession. People spend 30 years paying someone to live in their home, worrying about the next month’s payments for all of their adult life, never able to completely feel it is their space.
Without this place of solace, one cannot center. This oppression causes unforeseen consequences and indulgence in artful activities. Architecture becomes an afterthought, it is a pipe dream.




As we have progressed in regards to providing for ourselves, we have increased what we deem basic human rights. With the capitalism pendulum stopping and about to begin its backwards swing, we must expand basic human rights to enable innovation. This would include healthcare, food, and housing—for free.


A BASE HOUSE designed to achieve a maximum inward centering would cause a ripple effect throughout the nation. Ideas would be free to be expressed, shame would fade away, communities would grow and the sense of self would be allowed to wander beyond the confines of the physical body and into the meta of a communal whole.  


A nation has to recognize the benefit of trusting its citizens instead of forcing. It has to remember what a nation is, a family bettering itself towards finding itself, towards pushing existence. It has to sponsor the basic rights and it has to trust the designers to deliver.